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Block Ads on YouTube

Transform your YouTube viewing experience with the Block Ads on YouTube extension, exclusively designed for Chrome users.
Rating: 4.8
Version: 1.0.1
Size: 446KiB
Language(s): 48 languages
Rating history
Rating count & user count history

Similar extensions

name rating # ratings# users categories description version updated
Mitt Romney's Nephew
-00Just for FunCorrect all instances of 'Doug Robinson' to 'Mitt Romney's Nephew' with this extension.1.0August 1, 2017view details →
One-click Kittens
-00Art & DesignThis extension demonstrates a 'browser action' with kittens.1.0March 22, 2013view details →
OpenTok Screen Sharing
-013Workflow & PlanningThis Chrome extension is developed primary for http://tokbox.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.2.0November 14, 2018view details →
This is a test three
-014Developer ToolsTesting Chrome Publishing Again1.0.2February 15, 2017view details →
RoboGardenPro Screenshare Extension
-01AccessibilityChrome Extension granting WebRTC screen capturing capabilities to RoboGardenPro meetings.0.0.6November 18, 2018view details →
AJ HipChat Streamer
-00Workflow & PlanningA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.6November 7, 2017view details →
-00Just for FunChanges all images on every page, but only on Monday1.0June 19, 2017view details →
-013Workflow & Planning使用会议功能所必须的扩展程序,帮助您随时随地与所有人协同工作。2.1.1March 29, 2019view details →
520Developer ToolsAnti V2EX, block it when you spend to much time on it.1.2.4October 8, 2015view details →
Teamwork Bucket Total
-00Workflow & PlanningThis extension adds a point total to buckets in Teamworks Board View1.0July 13, 2017view details →
ВКС СДО Кубани
537Workflow & PlanningПлагин для демонстрации экрана для системы видео-конференц-связи СДО Кубани0.1.5February 5, 2016view details →
Talaera Screen Sharing
-022Social NetworkingThis extension is developed primary for https://app.talaera.com. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.2.0.1May 18, 2018view details →
-010Workflow & PlanningAdd Open link with view-source to context menu.0.0.2July 12, 2015view details →
Luxtown Fun Glass
-00Just for FunBrand new vision of plain old LuxTown1.4April 21, 2016view details →
Facebook Content Farm Blocker (BETA)
4.529AccessibilityBlock up to 200 content farm on Facebook1August 20, 2017view details →
Joona Partage d'Ecran
-09Social Networkingune extension de partage d'ecran pour la plateforme Joona.0.1.1September 24, 2018view details →
Mr. Elmer Behavior Panel
-00Workflow & PlanningOpen Mr. Elmer's Behavior Manager in a floating or docked panel outside of Chrome. Adapted from Chrome Panel Tabs by Leo Nikkilä.1.1.0January 25, 2015view details →
Minerva Reader
-07AccessibilityThis extension removes the 'Bli abonnent…' popup and associated page blur on minervanett.no.1.0December 29, 2016view details →
Solid Underlines
555Workflow & PlanningPrevents descenders breaking underlines for anchor elements in Chrome.0.1January 28, 2018view details →
Entrenarse Screenshare Extension
-00Workflow & PlanningChrome Extension granting WebRTC screen capturing capabilities to Entrenarse meetings.0.1.6January 31, 2019view details →
ORA2 Screensharing
-00Workflow & PlanningChrome extension to enable Screen sharing on ORA2 Remote Assistant tool.2.0November 16, 2018view details →
Community Of Consumers
-01Social NetworkingThe Community Of Consumers plugin makes it easier to use the affiliate programs of COC.1.0.2December 2, 2018view details →
Beint Jitsi (baros)
-00Developer ToolsA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.6November 13, 2018view details →
なろう to カクヨム
-06Just for Fun『小説家になろう』のデザインを『カクヨム』のように変化させます。1.0.0September 17, 2023view details →
Basecamp User Bar
-00Workflow & PlanningAdds a notification about which user is currently logged in to Basecamp.1.0November 1, 2013view details →
Salesforce Labeler
-04Developer ToolsThis extension will detect missing custom labels in salesforce apps and generate links to the custom label setup page to create them1.0.2January 22, 2018view details →
-015Developer ToolsViewer for large json files using cloud9's ace editor1.0September 21, 2017view details →
True AdBlocker - free adblocker
4.7327kWorkflow & PlanningBlock Ads On Youtube, Twitch,spotify,hulu and popup1.6.1April 23, 2024view details →
Redmine Redesign
520Developer ToolsSame Redmine, different design1.5.4October 8, 2016view details →
-011Workflow & PlanningCette extension vous permet de récupérer facilement un lien tracké sur une marque partenaire BrandYoulike1.0.1October 12, 2017view details →
JMS helper
-08Workflow & PlanningThis extension allows for fast going to widgets using hash (#) in the urls and changes title and icon according to that.0.6May 30, 2018view details →
Drive To Drijf
4.840Just for FunReplaces the text 'drive' with 'drijf'.1.0December 6, 2016view details →
Rahah-Telemedicine Screen Share
-04Workflow & PlanningThis Chrome extension is developed primary for Rahah. This is only for screen share.1.0October 30, 2018view details →
Modify he to she
5310Just for FunThis extension modifies instances of he to she1.1January 22, 2017view details →
Jitsi Desktop Prosegur
-021Social NetworkingExtension para compartir escritorio0.1.10May 31, 2017view details →
Test Extension
-05Social NetworkingExtension for testing purposes1.0September 14, 2017view details →
Uncover Racism
2.335Just for FunChanges instances of 'alt-right' to 'white supremacist group' in your browser. A reminder of what the alt-white movement really is.1.1November 21, 2016view details →
PocketCasts Autoplay
-06Workflow & PlanningThis extension enable autoplay next episodes feature on PocketCasts1.0.1June 25, 2017view details →
BigBlueButton Screenshare Extension
-010Social NetworkingChrome Extension granting WebRTC screen capturing capabilities to BigBlueButton meetings.0.0.7August 30, 2018view details →
mStyle TEST
-00Social NetworkingВозможность полностью изменить дизайн сайтаBeta 2March 5, 2016view details →
Belarusian symbols
-00AccessibilityThis extension provide a simple way to type belarusian symbols which is missed in russian keyboard layout. 16, 2015view details →
Aktivitetssidan Radbrytning
-00Social NetworkingRadbrytning på Aktivitetssidan. Funkar även på gamla konversationer och aktiviteter.2.1January 16, 2015view details →
S2KPrime Screenshare Extension
-04Workflow & PlanningChrome Extension granting WebRTC screen capturing capabilities to S2KPrime meetings.1.0.0October 14, 2018view details →
Basic Extension
-00Just for FunDemonstrates how to create a basic extension.1.0.0March 12, 2018view details →
-00Social NetworkingAdd movies around the web to your watchlists1.2November 3, 2015view details →
TutorMeet+ - Screenshare Extension
-022Social NetworkingScreenshare Extension1.0.0November 3, 2016view details →
Isee.IO Desktop Streamer
5110Social NetworkingA extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Isee.Io Meet.1.1.0May 26, 2017view details →
MusicSitter.com Lesson Room
-02Social NetworkingThis Chrome extension is developed for http://musicsitter.com/. It allows screen sharing. 29, 2018view details →
Beint Desktop Share(by jitsi)
-011Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.7November 13, 2018view details →
Tático LeadX
-02Workflow & PlanningPlugin do Tático para extrair leads do LinkedIn Sales Navigator.1.1November 8, 2018view details →
Mr. Right finden
-00Social NetworkingDiese Erweiterung zeigt dir Tipps um deinen Mr. Right zu finden.1.0.1August 12, 2019view details →
YekVC Desktop Sharing Extension
-013AccessibilityExtension to allow desktop sharing in YekVC applications.3.1January 9, 2019view details →
-05Workflow & Planning使用会议功能所必须的扩展程序,帮助您随时随地与所有人协同工作。1.0August 20, 2018view details →
-08Privacy & SecurityMeet AdSuppressor, your premier solution for an ad-free browsing journey.1.0.2April 2, 2024view details →
Badarom Desktop Streamer
-00Workflow & PlanningA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Badarom Meet - Easy Conference.0.1.7December 11, 2016view details →
My Extension
-00Just for FunThis is new description of my extension1.1May 3, 2018view details →
Baniroo Extension for Chrome
-08Workflow & PlanningBaniroo Extension for Chrome allows you to move candidates from job sites to your Baniroo account0.1.5December 9, 2018view details →
Inperly Screen Sharing
-01Workflow & PlanningThis Chrome extension is developed primary for http://inperly.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.2.0November 16, 2018view details →
Will the real Andrew Ray please stand up
513Workflow & PlanningCorrects all instances of 'Drew Dilkens' in your browser. Your browser now only supports Andrew Ray.1.1August 17, 2018view details →
Coffee to Cappachoochoo
-02Just for FunIn honour of Bob Mortimer's Train Guy, this chrome extension changes the word 'coffee' to 'cappachoochoo'1.0March 28, 2020view details →
Anoboy Nonton Anime Sub Indo Wallpaper
-018Functionality & UIAnoboy Anime Wallpaper adds anime flair to your Chrome browser, keeping your anime passion alive.0.0.1January 3, 2024view details →
Amy Porterfield
-01Social NetworkingA Chrome Extension of amyporterfield.com1February 2, 2017view details →
Ingenio Screen Sharing
-08Developer ToolsThis Chrome extension is developed for http://flashphoner.com WCS Api to enable screen capture.1.5February 14, 2018view details →
President Rump
-00Just for FunThis extension change any mention of 'Trump' with 'Rump'.1.0November 22, 2016view details →
Taskfit Chrome Extension
515Workflow & PlanningThis extension sends the url and title of the active tab to the local Taskfit client if it is installed. 17, 2016view details →
-00Art & DesignРасширение для получение ссылки на оригинальное изображение в Instagram1.0.0February 4, 2019view details →
MMK.LOCAL Jitsi Desktop Streamer
-00AccessibilityA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into MMK.LOCAL meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.6December 21, 2018view details →
Github Best Answer
-00Developer ToolsAn extension that allows you to see the best answer to an issue on Github1.0July 14, 2018view details →
-03AccessibilityQiitaの記事ページに投稿者の情報を表示する拡張機能です!1.0.0May 26, 2023view details →
Liên kết trang của nhà giao dịch ngoại hối
-00AccessibilityChrome Extension Để Định hướng Liên kết Đến Các Trang Web của Nhà môi giới Ngoại hối.1.0.0August 16, 2023view details →
Takes-Care screen sharing
-00Social NetworkingThis Chrome extension is developed primary for http://tokbox.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.2.3April 20, 2016view details →
Hello World
-04Just for FunA simple extension that modifies your new tab to display 'hello world'0.1January 18, 2017view details →
-04Just for FunChange playback rate of HTML5 audio and video content1.0May 3, 2017view details →
535ShoppingThis extension shows what your friends would like to receive as a gift0.1.11June 8, 2017view details →
-00Social NetworkingThis Chrome extension is developed primary for http://ligris.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.3.1October 16, 2018view details →
The Garden Nursery School
510Workflow & PlanningThis extension redirects all Amazon links to use the Garden Nursery School in Eagle Rock affiliate link!1.1October 27, 2017view details →
BigBlueButton Screenshare Extension
-00Workflow & PlanningChrome Extension granting WebRTC screen capturing capabilities to BigBlueButton meetings.0.0.6February 10, 2019view details →
Videoroom Screen Share
-013Workflow & PlanningThis Chrome extension is developed primary for https://videoroom.online/. This is only for screen share.1.1April 1, 2017view details →
Lilo – Page d'accueil
52503Functionality & UICette extension permet de faire de Lilo votre page d'accueil par défaut1.0.0May 30, 2024view details →
HighFidelity Desktop Share
-011Workflow & PlanningA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into HighFidelity videoconference.0.1.6August 16, 2018view details →
ed+ screen sharing
-024Social NetworkingEnable screen sharing for ed+ video conference.1.0.1July 4, 2017view details →
Rahah Screen Share
-00Workflow & PlanningThis Chrome extension is developed primary for Rahah. This is only for screen share.1.1June 2, 2017view details →
Повітряна тривога
517Privacy & SecurityПовітряна тривога: розширення Chrome надає сповіщення в реальному часі про попередження про повітряний наліт у вашій місцевості2.0.9June 13, 2024view details →
waystage Screen Sharing
-01Developer ToolsThis Chrome extension is developed primary for http://tokbox.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.2April 17, 2018view details →
Free Trial Extension!
-00EducationFree trial extension for test.2.0May 15, 2024view details →
Globish2.Space Screen Sharing
-040Social NetworkingThis Chrome extension is developed primary for globish2.space , It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.2.0June 15, 2017view details →
5213Developer Toolsswitch the `hl(host language)` option on google websites1.0.7April 12, 2016view details →
BuyBar - Token Tool
-02ToolsBuyBar is a browser extension that helps you manage your buys.1.0.1May 15, 2024view details →
Jobclipr Screensharing
510Social NetworkingExtension to allow screen sharing in Jobclipr. 11, 2016view details →
ParseCV for StaffingConnect
-02Workflow & PlanningParseCV, a plug-in to chrome to parse Gmail attachments5.8.9September 22, 2017view details →
515Social NetworkingShare great content to all of your social channels via your SocialDashboard account. 13, 2016view details →
-00Social NetworkingReplaces all 'Like' links with 'Dat Shit Rad'1.1August 27, 2012view details →
Naturum Blog Manager Extension
5114Workflow & Planningナチュブロ管理機能拡張5.7.0March 29, 2018view details →
Nuance Desktop Streamer
-015Social NetworkingAn extension to stream your desktop into meetings with Nuance Video Conference.0.1.7December 5, 2018view details →
Webdiffusion Screen Sharing
-02Workflow & PlanningThis Chrome extension is developed primary for Webdiffusion. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.1.2December 13, 2018view details →
Zradoslav Luhár
512Just for FunOpravuje nesprávne používané mená Bélu Luhára a Zradoslava Procházku na ich správne varianty.1.0.2March 22, 2016view details →
Peerspeax Screensharing Extension
510Social NetworkingBrowser extension for screen sharing on peerspeax.com0.0.4February 16, 2018view details →
YOUHUB Screen Sharing Tool
-00ToolsThis is screen sharing extension. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.1.0July 4, 2017view details →
Alternative News
-06Just for FunAdd this extension to your Chrome browser to turn all 'fake news' into 'alternative news'.1.1February 9, 2017view details →
UIUC GenEd GPA Finder
-011AccessibilityThis extension allows a user to see what the average gpa is for a gen ed class at UIUC while browsing the course catalog1.1July 21, 2017view details →
514ToolsA extension to manage todorist0.0.1March 10, 2024view details →
Fast Car Insurance
-02ToolsA Chrome Extension Version of my College entry project. Designed for new young drivers to find a car's insurance quote fast.1.0April 17, 2024view details →
Partage Meet Desktop Streamer
-04Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Partage Meet.0.1.7July 3, 2017view details →
Screen Share Extension
-02Workflow & PlanningA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Video Conferencing.0.1.0December 10, 2018view details →
BigBlueButton Screenshare Extension
-07Developer ToolsChrome Extension granting WebRTC screen capturing capabilities to BigBlueButton meetings.0.0.7December 12, 2018view details →
512ToolsSelect any text on any page to play it as music, see it as video, plan it as a trip-to, translate, etc1.11October 28, 2015view details →
White Screensharing
-08Social NetworkingExtension to allow screen sharing in White Application.1.1.1October 24, 2018view details →
Google Drive Traffic Signal
-022Workflow & PlanningUseful in K-12, this extension shows green if the Google Drive is up; red, if down; yellow for no internet connection.10.0September 8, 2018view details →
EdVIE Corp Screen share
-00Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Edvie Live Class.0.1.7July 27, 2018view details →
Firebase Auth in Chrome Extension Sample
-00Workflow & PlanningThis sample shows how to authorize Firebase in a Chrome extension using a Google account.0.1June 17, 2019view details →
Coward Punch
-00Social NetworkingExtension to replace the phrase king hit with coward punch0.1January 4, 2016view details →
Chuck Norris Daily Jokes
-05Just for FunThis extension shows you random Chuck Norris jokes.1.0June 24, 2018view details →
Kun Kbh
-00Workflow & PlanningRemoves all arrivals and departures from https://www.trafikverket.se/trafikinformation except trains to/from Hovedbanegården.1.0September 24, 2018view details →
SnapTik - No Watermark
-010ToolsSnapTik is a TikTok downloader, it allows TikTok users to save their favorite videos to their devices easily without watermark.1.0June 21, 2024view details →
Enggheads Screen Share
-05Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you for screen share ..0.3.1January 7, 2019view details →
-03Tools该插件搜索用户输入的电影在豆瓣的评分。用户不需要离开当前网页。1.0November 14, 2016view details →
Oblique Design Advice
-05Workflow & PlanningGet oblique design advice to help you move forward on your project every time you open a new tab1.0June 15, 2017view details →
Jitsi Desktop Streamer - self managed version
-00Workflow & PlanningA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.6September 16, 2018view details →
viewme dev Desktop Streamer
-01Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with viewme webRTC client.1.0.4October 13, 2016view details →
EdVIE Screen share
-08Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Edvie Live Class.0.1.7January 10, 2018view details →
Ukrainian Patriot
-03AccessibilityThis extension blocks all requests that are sent to banned sites, according to the decree of the President of Ukraine.1.0.5November 13, 2017view details →
Babyfotografin in Köln
-01Social NetworkingDiese Erweiterung hilft dir dabei den besten Babyfotografen in Köln zu finden.1.0.1June 17, 2018view details →
Canal 5 San Clemente
5110Social NetworkingMira en Vivo Canal 5 San Clemente desde Google Chrome1.2February 1, 2017view details →
Icelandic Political Correctness gone mad!
-00Just for FunReplaces certain Icelandic words with other ones.0.0.1July 2, 2015view details →
-010Social NetworkingWeb Developer Blogs - Programming Blogs Aggregator.1.2November 27, 2016view details →
Aliconference Desktop Streamer
512Workflow & PlanningEstensione che permette di condividere lo schermo sulla piattaforma Aliconference.alida.it0.1.2April 5, 2018view details →
Show Report Bug Button
-00Social NetworkingПоказать кнопку «Сообщить о баге» во ВКонтакте.1.1July 26, 2015view details →
KarmaaLab Desktop Streamer
-00AccessibilityA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with KarmaaLab Meet0.1.6November 2, 2018view details →
Event Tracking with Google Analytics
-07AccessibilityA sample extension which uses Google Analytics to track usage.2.0.1January 30, 2017view details →
MagicalPass plugin
-01Workflow & PlanningChrome plugin to manage passwords with MagicalPass Android App.1.0.2May 11, 2013view details →
Smart Lead Advertisment
-00Workflow & PlanningSmart Lead Advertisment, helping you advertise in a more effecient way.1.0July 12, 2016view details →
VuePanel Screen Sharing
-017Workflow & PlanningThis Chrome extension is developed primary for http://vuepanel.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.1.3.10April 7, 2016view details →
Rozbolee Desktop Streamer
-01Just for FunA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Rozbolee.1.0September 13, 2018view details →
ZeenShare chrome plugin
2.254Workflow & PlanningZeenShare chrome plugin1.0.0October 18, 2013view details →
Webconférence Département de la Gironde
-02Workflow & PlanningUne extension pour permettre le partage d'écran sous Google Chrome0.0.1January 7, 2019view details →
Netlabs Screenshare Extension
-01Social NetworkingChrome Extension granting WebRTC screen capturing capabilities to BigBlueButton meetings.1.0January 23, 2019view details →
Docbase Powerful Editor
-02Developer ToolsDocbaseのエディタを強化します0.0.1December 5, 2020view details →
Symposium Screen Sharing
-06Social NetworkingThis extension is a part of Symposium web app to share your screen.beta 6.0November 27, 2017view details →
Jitsi Desktop Streamer
-04Social NetworkingA slightly modified extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.7December 15, 2017view details →
-00Workflow & PlanningDevook의 북마크 기능을 위한 크롬 확장프로그램 입니다.1.0May 16, 2022view details →
Haarausfall stoppen
-00Workflow & PlanningHaarausfall stoppen Chrome Extension.1.0June 17, 2020view details →
Будущие бонусы citilink.ru
-05AccessibilityСуммирует и отображает ожидающие бонусы в профиле пользователя.0.1.1June 10, 2024view details →
SpecPage Bitrix Helpdesk
5110Workflow & PlanningThis extension allows the user to open trouble ticket by ID.1.0May 3, 2018view details →
ContentAdore Desktop Streamer
-00Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet (only for ContentAdore Team).0.1.8September 6, 2018view details →
Narou Tweaker
5224Entertainment小説家になろうのユーザー体験を向上させます0.3.3June 24, 2024view details →
Screen Sharing
-010Social NetworkingA screen capture extension for SPC Hosted Unified Communication platform.1.0May 30, 2018view details →
-049EntertainmentポップアップからTVer、Locipo、ABEMAの検索ができる。1.4.1June 30, 2024view details →
My Online Session Screen Sharing
518Developer ToolsThis Chrome extension is developed for https://myonlinesession.com/. This extension captures the content of your screen.1.0.0September 30, 2016view details →
-09AccessibilityReplace new tab page to show age as Motivation0.1September 23, 2018view details →
5219Workflow & PlanningControl the playback speed of videos in https://delos.uoa.gr/opendelos/1.1October 15, 2018view details →
Google Material
-00AccessibilityMaterial design for google search engine0.1March 24, 2018view details →
-010News & WeatherGets rid of Ynet's nagging AdBlock message1.0November 19, 2015view details →
Cyber to Cyborg
-01Just for FunReplaces the text 'cyber' with 'cyborg'.0.1October 11, 2017view details →
IG Comment Exporter
5131ToolsA chrome extension made for people who want to export comments from Instagram into csv.1.0.0June 3, 2024view details →
5113Developer ToolsThis Chrome extension is developed primary for Gryppcorp It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.2.6June 1, 2016view details →
Password Rules
-02Workflow & PlanningThis is a chrome extension that utilizes the Password Rules api0.0.0.2August 22, 2017view details →
Adam Global Screen Share
-06Workflow & PlanningThis Chrome extension is developed primary for https://adamglobal.online/. This is only for screen share.1.0August 2, 2017view details →
ViTAM ScreenSharing
-07Social NetworkingExtension to allow screen sharing in ViTAM applications.1.1May 9, 2017view details →
HCI Connect Desktop Streamer
-00AccessibilityA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.6July 18, 2017view details →
Network Activator (INSURITY)
-00Workflow & PlanningNetwork Activator extension for working with the dev instance of the Network Activator website0.0.0.4July 3, 2014view details →
Medicalmeeting Screen Share
-02Workflow & PlanningThis Chrome extension is developed primary for medicalmeeting.online. This is only for screen share.1.1February 28, 2017view details →
-00Social NetworkingThis extension allows you to see featured parts of a video and links to related content. 8, 2017view details →
Erkek Yönetmenler
517Just for FunAna Yurdu film ekibi tarafından sunulan bu aplikasyon erkek yönetmenlerin isimlerinin önüne cinsiyet uzantısı ekliyor.1.0May 6, 2016view details →
MKB Usability
-03AccessibilityРасширение для тестирования МКБ.0.14.50March 23, 2019view details →
Mr Beast on Youtube™
51101Just for FunOverlay your favourite celebrity on youtube thumbnails0.0.6June 4, 2024view details →
Creative Canvas Collab
-00Workflow & PlanningA simple extension that allows you to collaborate with your fellows on your creative canvas projects.0.1.6April 9, 2018view details →
5126Tools亚马逊电商卖家voc助手,支持全站全类目全sku分析,帮助您时时掌握最新用户需求!0.1.5July 3, 2024view details →
Coal = Toxic death rock
516Just for FunReplaces the word 'coal with 'toxic death rock' when browsing the internet.4.0February 23, 2018view details →
3.522AccessibilityStore notes to be synced to individual users.0.2September 23, 2016view details →
iChat Intelizign
-00Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to share your desktop with iChat Videoconferencing - Intelizign0.1.0January 13, 2019view details →
Delatados do Fim do Mundo
512Just for FunSubstitui os nomes dos mencionados na Delação do Fim do Mundo da Odebrecht pelos codinomes usados nas transações ilegais1.0.1December 28, 2016view details →
-08Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings0.1.6May 26, 2017view details →
YouAd Killer
53118Just for FunYouTube ad blocker.2.7April 18, 2024view details →
commnpo BigBlueButton Screenshare Extension
-00AccessibilityChrome Extension granting WebRTC screen capturing capabilities to BigBlueButton meetings.0.0.772February 2, 2019view details →
Firebase Auth in Chrome Extension Sample
-00Developer ToolsThis sample shows how to authorize Firebase in a Chrome extension using a Google account.0.1January 22, 2019view details →
510Social NetworkingПозволяет смотреть онлайн видео с сайта FILMAX.online непосредственно на vk.com1.1March 29, 2018view details →
Gibson Shopfitters Conference
-03AccessibilityThis extension allows you to stream your desktop via Gibson's video conference. 1, 2014view details →
DVIDS Live Videos
-02News & WeatherThis extension shows a Google Image search result for the current page1.0October 21, 2016view details →
Tab Switcher
512AccessibilityApplication switches two last highlighted tabs by pressing Alt+Space keys combination.1.0.0November 10, 2018view details →
The TLDR; Post
-00News & WeatherThis extension will summarize any article for you.1.8October 10, 2017view details →
Summa screen sharing
512Developer ToolsShare the screen from your computer with people in a video conversation1.2.2May 16, 2018view details →
SODALIS Team Up Web Screen Capture
5210Workflow & PlanningThis extension allows SODALIS Team Up Web users share screens for video conference.1.0.0June 19, 2018view details →
Finna replace some text
511Just for FunReplaces the outmoded phrase 'going to' with the much more commonly understood 'finna'.1.0February 9, 2018view details →
Server Watcher
4.520Developer ToolsThis extension monitors the ATG servers you are navigating on and warns you in case of a change0.1August 7, 2017view details →
-029Social NetworkingThis Chrome extension is developed primary for Boardroom. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.1.2June 3, 2016view details →
PluralSkills Screen Share
-03AccessibilityScreensharing feature utility for PluralSkills Video Conferencing0.0.1May 10, 2018view details →
-011Workflow & PlanningA neutral new tab page accented with a chosen color. Customize the layout, style, background and bookmarks in NongDanIT.7.5.0August 27, 2023view details →
OAuth Tutorial FriendBlock
-00Social NetworkingUses OAuth to connect to Google's People API and display contacts photos.1.0January 5, 2019view details →
Network Activator (TRIAL104)
-00Social NetworkingNetwork Activator extension for working with the trial104 instance of the Network Activator website0.0.0.5July 22, 2014view details →
Sample Screen Sharing
-01AccessibilityThis extension allows you to share your screen1November 25, 2014view details →
-00Workflow & PlanningLaunch parking camera for chrome.1.0.0November 9, 2018view details →
The Vertical
-00Social NetworkingThe Vertical Chrome Extension for posting URLs to The Vertical - where insights and public opinions gather...0.0.8February 1, 2017view details →
533Shoppingמחשבון פשוט לחישוב מיסים על חבילות מחוץ לארץ. פשוטי.0.14October 25, 2017view details →
-00Just for FunDodatek zamienia literę 'A' na deltę ('Δ'). Fork następującego rozszerzenia: https://github.com/panicsteve/cloud-to-butt1.0January 24, 2014view details →
Append To Domain
-02Workflow & PlanningAppends custom string to current domain name. Source available at: https://gitlab.com/sabian2008/append2domain1.1January 30, 2019view details →
Make V1 Great Again
5121Workflow & PlanningV1 sucks ass, so lets try make it less painful to use.1.0December 12, 2018view details →
Maharah Screenshare Extension
-04Developer ToolsChrome Extension granting screen capturing capabilities to Maharah Virtual Classroom.0.1.7December 1, 2018view details →
Callstats Desktop Streamer
515Workflow & PlanningA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.8April 17, 2018view details →
Jitsi Desktop Streamer
-00Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.6December 25, 2017view details →
OpenTok Test
-06Workflow & PlanningThis Chrome extension is developed for https://www.webinarjam.com. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.2.2May 12, 2016view details →
Swift Orchidist
-02ToolsThis extension provides the user with a fuzzy predictive search function for the name of orchid species.1.0.4November 7, 2017view details →
Environment Swapper
-00Workflow & PlanningAllows the user to easily open a new tab based on the current URL1.0October 12, 2017view details →
510Workflow & PlanningExtension to collect tools for Utopian reviewers and contributors to one place.0.4.1January 24, 2019view details →
One Page Favorites
5111ToolsShows a unified view of the browser tabs, bookmarks, and visit history on one page.1.0May 23, 2024view details →
510ToolsThis extension allows the user to highlight text and use ctrl+q to Google it. 6, 2016view details →
Symposium Screen Sharing
518Social NetworkingThis extension is a part of Symposium web app to share your screen.beta 6.0November 27, 2017view details →
Tier3 Meet Desktop Streamer
-00Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Tier 3 Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.6September 29, 2018view details →
Tabelog No Smoking
-01AccessibilityTabelog の検索結果から禁煙を表示0.9.3July 19, 2017view details →
Hulu Watch Party
5822EntertainmentElevate Your Hulu Experience With Hulu Watch Party! Watch Together, Chat, And Share The fun With Friends In Sync On Hulu.com. Enjoy!0.0.1June 22, 2024view details →
-04Just for FunModify layouts of Google ,Wiki and so on.1.0.2September 28, 2018view details →
Collapsible Diffs
-02Workflow & PlanningAn addon to let you collapse individual files when viewing diffs on Github0.1.1September 10, 2015view details →
BigBlueButton Screenshare Extension
-02Workflow & PlanningChrome Extension granting WebRTC screen capturing capabilities to BigBlueButton meetings.1.0.9October 28, 2018view details →
Way Interactive Desktop Streamer
-00Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Video Way Interactive Meet.0.1.1October 6, 2018view details →
Github Notifications
5323Developer ToolsThis extension displays an icon in Chrome indicating pull-requests that involves you1.1.0August 30, 2017view details →
Better forum.autoua.net
-08AccessibilityChanges default CSS of the forum.autoua.net0.0.3March 4, 2016view details →
5135Developer ToolsChrome extension to help users generate secure passwords using mental algorithms.1.6December 7, 2016view details →
3.523Workflow & PlanningДодаток для оптимізації Google MapMaker0.8.2December 11, 2013view details →
BigBlueButton Screenshare Extension
-00AccessibilityChrome Extension granting WebRTC screen capturing capabilities to BigBlueButton meetings.0.0.6January 23, 2019view details →
Motivation Video
312Workflow & PlanningWhen you need a quick pep talk, this extension will play a 30 second motivational clip0.0.1December 31, 2017view details →
Minimal Panopto for Monash Uni
-02AccessibilityChanges the layout of Panopto lectures1.0.0July 25, 2018view details →
SmeCons Screenshare Extension
-00Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.6October 23, 2018view details →
415Art & DesignA google extension for no boring new tab. Choose your subreddit channel and have new image for each new tab. Have fun!1.1.2August 14, 2014view details →
Meet Konnektiv Desktop Streamer
-00Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings on https://meet.konnektiv.de/0.1.5July 8, 2016view details →
Netease Web Screen Sharing
-02Workflow & PlanningAllows you to capture your desktop for use in video applications1.0.4November 2, 2018view details →
Activate correct tab after dragging
-08Workflow & PlanningThe window that a dragged out tab leaves, should switch to the last active tab.1.0.0October 23, 2018view details →
N3 Kanji notification
5129Developer ToolsShow desktop notification containing N3 Kanji as a "toast" windows that pop up on the desktop.1.1October 24, 2017view details →
One-click Kittens
-00Workflow & PlanningThis extension demonstrates a browser action with kittens.1.0November 22, 2016view details →
Medic On Demand - screen sharing
-02Social NetworkingThis Chrome extension is developed for http://medicondemand.dev.onebi.eu/. It only capture content of your screen.2.0July 20, 2017view details →
Jitsi Desktop Streamer
-08Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.6October 12, 2017view details →
WebRTC Screen Sharing
-06AccessibilityThis Chrome extension is developed primary for http://tokbox.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.2.3April 6, 2017view details →
USC is lame
-00Just for FunReplaces instances of USC with USC, a totally lame school1.1September 5, 2015view details →
510Workflow & PlanningReplace gender-specific pronounds with they/them/their0.1March 24, 2017view details →
Obviohealth Screen Sharing
-02Social NetworkingThis Chrome extension is developed primary for http://sprimihmc.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen. 25, 2017view details →
Xplorify Screen Share
-02Developer ToolsThis chrome extension is developed for http://tokbox.com/. It doesn't do anything except capturing content of your screen.1.2May 4, 2015view details →
Milstar Desktop Streamer
-00Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.4.0December 6, 2018view details →
-00Social NetworkingTraktionsalopezie Chrome Extension.1.0June 17, 2020view details →
Ed+ Screen Sharing
-00Workflow & PlanningThis Chrome extension is developed primary for http://edplus.biz/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.1.0.1February 6, 2018view details →
CMSN Software Tutorials
2112Social NetworkingChrome Extension for The Official Software Development Tutorials Page by CMSN Software. 12, 2012view details →
One-click Kittens
-00News & WeatherThis extension demonstrates a browser action with kittens.1.0March 13, 2016view details →
ABCC Trader CIS League
-04Developer ToolsSpecialized extension for the ABCC.COM traders contest0.0.1January 23, 2019view details →
ScreenSharing DT
-06Social NetworkingThis Chrome extension is developed primary for http://tokbox.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen. 19, 2017view details →
Share Screen Mec.biz
-00AccessibilityThis Chrome extension is developed primary for https://www.mec.biz/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.0.1August 28, 2018view details →
Biloxi Ad Designs Extension
-00Social NetworkingThis extension is a collection of songs I earned using the Google Rewards app. Along with all my Social Networks. Enjoy.1.0May 23, 2018view details →
SK Empty tab
-02Workflow & PlanningDon't show the usual Google stuff on the new tab page1.0.1May 12, 2018view details →
untuk Pautan Laman Web Rasmi Peniaga Forex
-00AccessibilitySambungan Chrome Untuk Pautan Navigasi Laman Web Peniaga Forex.1.0.0August 15, 2023view details →
529Accessibility星願連送小幫手 幫助你輕鬆飛屏給心愛的主播,用猛烈的愛意快速成為主播心中的那一個他。0.1.43August 24, 2017view details →
EdVIE Self Service
-02Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Edvie Virtual Rooms0.1.7November 8, 2018view details →
514Developer ToolsThis Chrome extension is developed for http://netshow.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.2.0May 9, 2016view details →
-05Shopping快速全量下载商智热门关键词1.0.0August 3, 2023view details →
Jitsi Desktop Streamer at YUPI
-00Workflow & PlanningA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.6November 29, 2018view details →
The Kotter Group
-00Workflow & PlanningThis Chrome extension is developed primary for http://www.kotter.net/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.2.0February 13, 2017view details →
uConf Screensharing
-01Developer ToolsScreensharing utility sample for getscreenmedia0.0.1December 1, 2017view details →
Firebase Auth in Chrome Extension Sample
-00Workflow & PlanningThis sample shows how to authorize Firebase in a Chrome extension using a Google account.0.1December 20, 2018view details →
Jitsi Desktop Streamer
5114Developer ToolsA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.0.1.6November 7, 2016view details →
-03Developer ToolsAdds ngProbe sidepanel to elements panel in devtools that shows the currently selected element's Angular Context. For Angular 5+1.0June 13, 2018view details →
wooble screen share
-00Social NetworkingShare the screen from your computer with people in a video call, to show presentation, photos and documents1.0September 19, 2018view details →
DocsMT Screen Sharing
-00Social NetworkingThis Chrome extension is developed primary for http://www.docsmt.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.1.1April 25, 2016view details →
Network Activator (TRIAL105)
510Social NetworkingNetwork Activator extension for working with the trial105 instance of the Network Activator website0.0.0.5July 22, 2014view details →
522368Workflow & PlanningExperience Uninterrupted Streaming With Our Powerful Spotify Ad Blocker - SpotiBlock. Enjoy Seamless Music Without Any Distractions!0.0.1June 6, 2024view details →
Firebase Auth in Chrome Extension Sample
-00AccessibilityThis sample shows how to authorize Firebase in a Chrome extension using a Google account.2.1April 5, 2019view details →
EiTV CLOUD Screen Capture
-017Workflow & PlanningThis extension is required to enable Screen Capture in the EiTV CLOUD Web Encoder.1.0October 19, 2018view details →
MX Player Ad Blocker
519197Workflow & PlanningMX Player Ad Blocker Extension: Seamlessly Enjoy MX Player With Ad-Free Streaming For The Ultimate Viewing Experience On Mxplayer.in0.0.1June 5, 2024view details →
Make America Bud Again
513Just for FunReplace America with Budweiser0.1May 11, 2016view details →
Canadian Chat
-00Just for FunThis extension uses Hadron to translate the chat into Canadian.0.1.0April 18, 2016view details →
UA Boycott Blocker
522Social NetworkingExtension UA Boycott Blocker blocks web sites that are owned by members of Party of Regions0.1.1February 18, 2014view details →
Reddit Fixed Navbar
-01AccessibilityMake the navbar fixed on Reddit1.0February 2, 2017view details →
Can't Judge a Book by its Cover
-00ShoppingThis erases all images from amazon.com so that you don't judge a book by its cover. Works best when supplemented with an ad blocker.1.0.1April 23, 2018view details →
El Rol de los Medios
-02Just for FunReemplaza volantas por "El rol de los medios" en algunos sitios de noticias1.0November 11, 2016view details →
EVI Meetings
-00Workflow & PlanningA simple extension that allows you to schedule EVI Meetings and stream your desktop into EVI conferences.0.2.8October 17, 2018view details →
520Just for Fun[changes the phrase 'y chromosome' 2 'monster blood']0.1December 8, 2015view details →
Preproduction RENdez-vous Desktop Streamer
-00Social NetworkingA simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with RENdez-vous.0.1.7December 14, 2018view details →
-01AccessibilityImprove Ctrl+Tab behavior to seek through tabs in the history.1.0.1August 24, 2018view details →
The Kotter Group
-00Workflow & PlanningThis Chrome extension is developed primary for http://www.kotter.net/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.2.0February 15, 2017view details →
QiqoChat Screen Sharing
-00Social NetworkingThis chrome extension helps you share your screen on QiqoChat.1.0July 2, 2015view details →